Unfortunately, the local Monument Beach Grand Union closed recently and there is currently no major supermarket in the local area.  Arriving families should consider stocking up on groceries before getting to the Bourne Bridge.    The nearest large supermarket is the Super Stop and Shop on Route 6A in Sandwich, about 8 miles from the house.  Stay on this side of the canal and go past both the Bourne and the Sagamore bridges.  Follow 6A for about 2 miles after going under the Sagamore bridge.

Cumberland Farms
Sundries can be found at Cumberland Farms in Monument Beach. Turn right on Shore Rd. and go ¼ mi. into Monument Beach. Can't miss it.

Gray Gables Market
Sundries, Dunkin Donuts, deli and beer & wine. Turn left on Shore Rd., 1 mile down on the right.

Larry's Market - small market located in Pocasset has a reasonable selection of food items.


Some of the best ice cream on the Cape is served right here in MB, next door to Cumberland Farms. If you love chocolate, you'll die for "Death by Chocolate!"


This is on Shore Rd. about ½ mi. before you made the sharp right hand turn into Evergreen Hill Rd. To get there from here, go left as you leave the Point and the Lobster Trap is about ½ mi. down on the left. Or, if you're adventurous, and the tide is favorable, canoe down Back River to the Lobster Trap docks (between the two bridges.) They will boil lobsters for pick-up, and have wonderful fresh fish available at their adjacent retail fish market. Their fried clams are pretty tasty, too!  In the past few years they have become a very busy restaurant and bar, and parking is sometimes a problem.  It's an easy walk from the house, however, either along the road or the railroad tracks.


There are 2 good breakfast places. The Corner Cafe in Pocasset can be reached by going through Monument Peach and following Shore Road about 3 or 4 miles to the intersection in Pocasset.  The restaurant is on the left.  It can also be reached by kayak (about 1/2 hour paddle from the house).  Follow the shoreline past Monument Beach, behind Toby Island, the follow the jettee into Pocasset Harbor.  You can park the kayaks next to the bridge and walk a few hundred yards to the cafe.

Hollyberries is just past the Lobster Trap heading towards the Bourne bridge.

The Beach Street Bakery in Monument Beach is also within walking distance from the house.

You'll find brochures, menus, restaurant suggestions, and guides to the latest Cape attractions in the top drawer of the front hall chest or tacked to the bulletin board.
